Poets of Modern Russia
Not Available
Andrey Bely
J D Elsworth
The Russian Revolutionary Novel
Richard Freeborn
Marina Tsvetaeva
Simon Karlinsky
Joseph Brodsky
Valentina Polukhina
Nabokov's Early Fiction
Julian W Connolly
Andrei Bitov
Ellen Chances
Russian Literature and Empire
Susan Institut dEtudes Slaves and 1 more
Dostoyevsky and the Process of Literary Creation
Jacques Catteau
Christianity in Bakhtin
Ruth University of London Coates
Russian Modernism
Stephen C University of Surrey Hutchings
Reading Russian Fortunes
Faith University of London Wigzell
Ellen Princeton University and 1 more
Nikolai Zabolotsky
Darra Williams College and 1 more
Iurii Trifonov
David University of Bath Gillespie
Jews in Russian Literature after the October Revolution
Efraim BenGurion University of the Negev and 1 more
From the Idyll to the Novel
Gitta Hammarberg
Contemporary Russian Satire
Karen L University of Virginia RyanHayes
The Development of Russian Verse
Michael Princeton University and 1 more
The Last Soviet Avant-Garde
Graham University of Surrey Roberts
Velimir Khlebnikov
Raymond Cooke
Andrei Platonov
Thomas Seifrid
English Literature and the Russian Aesthetic Renaissance
Rachel Polonsky
Wagner and Russia
Rosamund University of Michigan and 1 more
Dostoevsky and the Christian Tradition
George Kings College and 1 more
Russian Literature, Modernism and the Visual Arts
Catriona New College and 1 more
Catriona Kelly
Three Russian Writers and the Irrational
T R N Edwards
Novy Mir
Edith Rogovin Frankel
The Enigma of Gogol
Richard Peace
Julian W University of Virginia Connolly
The Brothers Karamazov and the Poetics of Memory
Diane Oenning Thompson
Nikolay Novikov
W Gareth Jones
Valentina Keele University Polukhina
Portraits of Early Russian Liberals
Derek Offord
Mikhail Zoshchenko
Linda Hart Scatton
Frank Friedeberg Seeley
The Poetic Imagination of Vyacheslav Ivanov
Pamela Davidson
Word and Music in the Novels of Andrey Bely
Ada Steinberg
Bulgakov's Last Decade
J A E Curtis
Audrey Bely
Literary Journals in Imperial Russia
Deborah A Princeton University and 1 more
Nietzsche and Soviet Culture
Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal
Gender and Russian Literature
Rosalind University of Bath Marsh
Nabokov and his Fiction